
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AUgust 2, 2011

That Dog was made for the camera... "Get that flash outta my face!"

I saw this "No Cruising" sign at 3:38 AM...whew! I was safe. If any of you ever want to go cruising around 3AM, let me know!

I was worried this morning, as I had hiked about three miles and still found no place that was either high enough or had a clear enough skyline to take pictures. It was getting close to five, when I decided to turn around and go back a different route, hopping I'd spot something in the next 30 minutes or so. Polo was especially excited this morning for whatever reason, and he would pace every time we stopped.

About halfway home we found an open field behind what looks like some apartments, and this turned out to be a much better sunrise that Saturday's.  Polo was my model, and he didn't mind. That dog was made for the camera (he knows it).

Saturday, July 30, 2011

First Sunrise

I never thought I'd say this but: 4AM couldn't come early enough. I'm a Florida born boy so I always had a spectacular sunrise. Every morning I could stroll down the golf course in my hometown and watch the color splashed sky reach out and hug the world. This was a sight I saw so often I stopped looking. If you're a Springfield resident, you know that you can't afford to take a good sunrise for granted.

So here's my general quest: search out the best places to watch the sunrise, and document any early morning events that may occur along the way. Today's destination was a pedestrian overpass near Sunset (get it?) and Freemont.  L.E. Meador park had a poor view of the rising sun. The horizon was pretty well blocked by trees, and the sky was drowned in city lights, but as morning began to peek it's sleep nose over the blanket of the night sky I snapped a few pictures of the first sunrise in Springfield on this blog.

I also took a few pictures of my buddy Polo. He loved the three hour walk through the city at dark. The only sounds were the patter of his paws, the thumping of my feet, and the occasional car driven by some person who is crazy enough to be awake.

Today's Location

Today's Location
Pedestrian Overpass: Poor

Meador Park

Meador Park
The Park With The Overpass


I'ts still rising, The sun wasn't visible until almost 7 because the trees are so high.


He thinks it's too early too.


It's brighter

